Prezentacja dot. projektu ELANORE przedstawiona na Polskim Kongresie Drogowym, który odbył się w dniach 18 - 19.05.2021 r.
TR05-2-ELANORE-GUT-05-(2022).pdf Technical report from the test program of laboratory noise measurements
TR11-ELANORE-SINTEF-03-(2022).pdf Technical report on test conditions for CPB and CPX measurements
TR12-ELANORE-GUT-04-(2022) (1).pdf Deliverable 2.1: Technical report on specification of test program, including selection of tyres, vehicle, pavements and test locations
TR13-ELANORE-SINTEF-04-(2022)2.pdf Deliverable 2.2: Final report on the noise measurements on ISO reference surface and on conventional pavements
TR14-ELANORE-SINTEF-05-(2022)Rev.4.pdf Deliverable 2.3: Proposed calibration procedure for ISO test tracks
TR15-ELANORE-GUT-11-(2022).pdf Technical report from the test program of CPX noise measurements
TR16-ELANORE_SINTEF-06 (2023).pdf Technical report on CPX, CPB and SEL measurements. Discussion on selected noise results for the improvement of the test method